I would like to thank you for the great experience I had with the “Java Professional” course taught by our knowledgeable instructor. He was very patient with us when explaining programming concepts that are new to the Java Language. He pointed out topics that will be covered in the Certification exam that will help prepare us to study in a more efficient manner.

The classroom training and reference manuals were well written with an even mix of text and coding examples. This writing style was a necessary ingredient when learning new material.

The Placement Manager worked with me personally on a number of occasions to point me in the direction of potential employers. Her suggestions for incorporating experience into my Resume helped to get a lot of attention from the IT job boards.

My unemployment status gave me extra time to work on my programming assignments throughout the 15 week course. Shortly after completing the course I was able to secure a consulting assignment at a higher pay rate than my last job. Most importantly – I’m anticipating the opportunity to incorporate my newly acquired IT skills into my next assignment. Good luck to everyone at GIobal IT and I’ll will be thinking about registration for the Oracle DBA program later this year.