This course will provide an introduction to spreadsheets and the practical uses and versatility of Microsoft® Office Excel® 2016. Students will learn time saving features and tips for using Excel effectively.
Microsoft Excel’s robust built in functionality will allow your organization to gain a level of insight into its raw data that would have been nearly impossible just a couple of decades ago. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction.
Of course, knowing exactly how to ask Excel the questions that you need answered, which questions you can even ask, and how to interpret the answers Excel gives is necessary before you can even begin to embark on the journey ahead. This course aims to provide you with the foundational Excel knowledge and skills necessary to begin that journey and takes you through the advanced levels of using this powerful tool to the highest levels of accounting expertise if desired.
Real testimonials from our Students!
I’d just like to thank you and Global Information Technology for getting my career back on the right track. I had been unemployed for nearly 2 years after being laid off from ACCESS and I have been trying to find the right job. Couple months after applying to the unemployment, Michigan Works office approved me [...] Read more
Racha Ramdan
While serving in the military I often found myself interested in pursuing a career within IT. Shortly after exiting the military, I started my journey and landed a position as an apprentice with a global consulting firm. I was quickly able to recognize that I was going to need more knowledge than just a web [...] Read more
Brian Cancel
At college graduation, I thought that a major part of my life was behind me. I would finally get the opportunity to live out life the way I was advised as a child: go to school, get a degree, get a safe and secure job. Unfortunately, I didn’t dare anticipate what was actually ahead of [...] Read more
Steve Johnson
I wish to thank GIobal Information Technology for helping me restart my career after taking a break of almost 8-9 years. During my career break, I had not kept my skills updated and before getting back into my career search, I decided to get re-trained. While researching the training institutions, in late 2009, I came [...] Read more
Nalini Sanku
As a United States Army veteran, I participated in four (4) combat tours and a tour of duty to South Korea. I am a three (3) time veteran of Iraq, serving in various capacities in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) I, III and Operation New Dawn (OND) which ended the war in Iraq in December 2011. [...] Read more
Christopher B. Amara, Jr.
US Army Veteran