In this course, students will learn how to create and edit bullet slides, move between and utilize the various views, add transitions to a slide and basic animation to text, incorporate clip art and WordArt, use a Master Slide, and run a presentation effectively.
How do you grab and maintain an audience’s focus when you’re asked to present important information? By being clear, organized, and engaging. And, that is exactly what Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016 can help you do.
Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today’s audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch.
In this course, you will use PowerPoint 2016 to create engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations from the basics to the advanced features your communication will be clear.
Real testimonials from our Students!
I wish to express my thanks and gratitude for your expert teaching and support that have helped me transition into a career in information technology. When I began taking classes in August of 2009, I had been unemployed for over a year, and job prospects in the insurance industry were slim. Your staff took the [...] Read more
Marcus Thompson
Dear Global Information Technology: If it were not for you my future in Information Technology would be completely uncertain. My name is Meontre and before Global IT I was working low paying side computer repair jobs and retail computer/computer part sales. During that time in my life I learned some minor basic computer stuff but [...] Read more
Meontre Byrd
My name is Ruth Byrd. I would like to take this opportunity to convey the meaningful connections between my professional past and the skills that I acquired from the Global IT training experience. Too often we progress through the ‘ropes of life’ and do not invest the time to express our gratitude and authentic value [...] Read more
Ruth Byrd
I am writing this letter to inform you of my satisfaction with my son’s ( John Parkinson II) learning experience at Global Information Technology. He enrolled in your A+ , MCSE 2003 and CCNA programs in August 2007. The training provided by Global Information Technology became the foundation for his now growing IT career. After [...] Read more
John Parkinson II
Dear Manish: I wanted to also take this opportunity to thank you, and the Staff at Global IT. You and your staff all really changed my life. I know you all know my story and where I came from and where I am now. If it were not for how you conduct classes, and the [...] Read more
Bradley Freeland