Global Information Technology is approved to accept students who are eligible to receive Veteran’s Administration Educational Benefits (G.I. Bill). Need help picking out the right educational benefits? This website will help you understand which Chapter or active benefit best fits you: Best Educational Benefits for You. Please contact Global Information Technology’s career consultant at 248-557-2480 for more information.
(A New Bill for a New Century)
Global Information Technology is honored to serve our Nation’s Veterans as a Post 9/11 GI Bill® Approved Education Provider and authorized training provider with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Post 9/11 GI Bill® provides education benefits for service members who have served on active duty for 90 or more days after September 11, 2001. The most robust military education grant ever enacted, the new Post 9/11 GI Bill® covers more than just tuition fees – depending on how many months you served the Post 9/11 GI Bill® can cover numerous training-related costs, including books, supplies, lodging, certification exams, relocation, and even free training for veterans’ spouses and children. Contact Global Information Technology @ 1-866-G0-GIT-GO to help you figure out the exact amount of education benefits you’ve earned. Most Post 9/11 GI Bill® students at Global Information Technology enjoy 100% tuition coverage.
The Department of Defense (DoD) Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA ) program provides up to $4,000 of Financial Assistance for military spouses who are pursuing degree programs, licenses or credentials leading to employment in Portable Career Fields. For more information, contact a Global Information Technology VA SCO Consultant at 248-557-2480.
VR&E’s primary benefit program is vocational rehabilitation services for veterans who have a service-connected disability of 10% and higher. To receive services a veteran must be found both eligible and entitled. The desired outcome of these services is to lead disabled veterans to suitable employment that is consistent with their aptitudes and interests or achieving independence in their daily living.
Follow link for more information on the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) VetSuccess Program. Please contact Global Information Technology’s career consultant at 248-557-2480 for any further assistance.
You may be eligible for funding to assist with the cost of training if you are unemployed and/or a “dislocated” worker (such as those who lose their jobs because of permanent layoffs or plant closings), Receiving Unemployment payments or Unemployment benefits expired or Have Bridge card or working but low income or Youth ( 18-24) unemployed. Global Information Technology is an approved Eligible Training Provider (authorized to accept the WIOA funding) in Michigan. For further information on the WIOA program, contact local One-Stop Career Center through this link: Once approved, Global Information Technology career consultant completes all of the necessary paperwork to secure the funding prior to enrollment. Please contact Global Information Technology career consultant at 248-557-2480 for more information.
The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program is a federal entitlement program established under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. The TAA program provides aid to workers who lose their jobs or whose hours of work and wages are reduced as a result of increased imports. TAA offers a variety of benefits and re-employment services to assist unemployed workers in preparing for and obtaining suitable employment. Workers may be eligible for training, job search and relocation allowances, income support, and other re-employment services. Individuals must be approved by the local workforce development agency to receive this type of funding. For more information about TAA funding visit or mention this program to a Global career consultant. Call 248-557-2480 for further information.
For low-income families, the PATH program provides:
You must be approved by the local workforce development agency to receive this type of funding. .For more information about the program, please contact a Global Information Technology career consultant at 248-557-2480.
The purpose of the National Dislocated Worker Grant program is to temporarily expand service capacity at the state and local levels by providing time-limited funding assistance in response to significant dislocation events. Significant events are those that create a sudden need for assistance that cannot reasonably be expected to be accommodated within the on-going operations of the formula-funded Dislocated Worker program, including the discretionary resources reserved at the state level.
For more information and assistance about the program, please contact Global Information Technology career consultant at 248-557-2480.
The JET Program helps those receiving public assistance find employment and achieve economic self-sufficiency. The program offers comprehensive assessment, job search assistance, training, support services and follow-up services. Eligible individuals are referred by the Dept. of Human Services. Those individuals receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, Medicaid benefits, or child care benefits may be eligible. Additionally, eligible individuals are referred by local Friend of the Court offices. Participation in the program may be mandatory or voluntary, depending on federal and state policies governing the program. If you are not currently receiving assistance from DHS and think you may qualify for assistance, apply in person at your local Michigan Dept. of Human Services.
For more information, contact Global Information Technology at 248-557-2480 for directions.
MRS is the federally mandated general public rehabilitation agency in Michigan which provides an array of services for persons with disabilities to prepare for, attain and maintain employment, self-sufficiency and an independent lifestyle. MRS is housed within the Department of Labor and Economic Growth (DLEG) and is federally funded with a required state match. The MRS full-time civil service staff nears 550, with approximately 260 certified master’s level Rehabilitation Counselors, who work with customers in job exploration, job training and placement. MRS has 36 offices located geographically across the state with counselors located in each Michigan Works! One Stop Service Centers. For more to one of our career consultants at 248-557-2480.
Global Information Technology is approved to participate in tuition assistance and scholarship programs provided by UAW-Chrysler, UAW-Ford and UAW-GM for employees, retirees, and their eligible dependent children. Contact your local union to determine your eligibility. We also accept tuition reimbursement from your employer. Call 248-557-2480 for further information.
We’re happy to help you advance your career, and believe money should not be an impediment to your success. Sometimes making an investment in your future requires financial assistance and resources that students aren’t aware are available to them. Global Information Technology is committed to helping to find the best solution for you. We have various student loans available through our financial partners.
Some common features of student loans include:
“GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at“.
Real testimonials from our Students!
It is with great enthusiasm that I write a recommendation for Global Information Technology for the MCTS 70-431- SQL Server 2005 course. In that time, I have had the opportunity to receive a thorough understanding of writing SQL statements, stored procedures, triggers, functions and views. Other topics that were very helpful were database design, replication, [...] Read more
Larry Broaddus
I just wanted to express my feelings about Global Information Technology and their staff. First let me say I have never encountered an organization that cares about the students as much as GIT. After working many years for an automotive supplier in the auto industry I found myself unemployed, without a degree or any certifications [...] Read more
Aubrey Carvine
This is an great day to say the educational experience has given me and my family an ultimate way knowing how lives can change through information as well as information technology. I don’t really have much to say on this matter because the challenges, the grinding work effort was a part of my personality since [...] Read more
Dell Williams
My name is Willie M. Williams, I became unemployed after nine years of service to one of the big three companies in April 2009. The majority of my department (ISS) was terminated indefinitely. I thought to myself, ok, I’ll just find another job in the IT field because I knew I had a Master’s degree [...] Read more
Willie M. Williams
Dear Manish: I wanted to also take this opportunity to thank you, and the Staff at Global IT. You and your staff all really changed my life. I know you all know my story and where I came from and where I am now. If it were not for how you conduct classes, and the [...] Read more
Bradley Freeland