This can be done by learning what the top programming languages are such as Java, C++, PHP, and HTML. We will teach you from a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level of training.
Real testimonials from our Students!
I would like to thank you for the great experience I had with the “Java Professional” course taught by our knowledgeable instructor. He was very patient with us when explaining programming concepts that are new to the Java Language. He pointed out topics that will be covered in the Certification exam that will help prepare [...] Read more
Sandy Skrbina
I was an out of work Engineering Technologist from ford motor. With a strong background in Electrical, Electronics and Mechanical. But no jobs. In this bad economy I was quite depressed and decided to do something about it. When your school was recommended I decided to go there and take a look. I liked what [...] Read more
Heather Berry
Dear Global Information Technology: If it were not for you my future in Information Technology would be completely uncertain. My name is Meontre and before Global IT I was working low paying side computer repair jobs and retail computer/computer part sales. During that time in my life I learned some minor basic computer stuff but [...] Read more
Meontre Byrd
May 28,2020. My experience with Global Information Technology has proven to be exceedingly beneficial. Through the VA VET TEC program and my attendance at Global IT, I was able to complete the IT Professional 4 courses. Along with the valuable training and resources that GIT has provided, I not only have a better understanding of [...] Read more
Rachel Smith
My name is Tiffanie Bradley; I was a Mainframe Programmer Analyst by profession and was laid off from Compuware Corporation in 2004. I have been in the Information Technology (IT) field for over 15 years and have experienced a successful career. Upon being laid off and seeking further employment, I recognized that my skills were [...] Read more
Tiffanie Bradley