Any participant who wants to better understand the technologies they use each day.
CompTIA IT Fundamentals certification is designed to help you to become in the world of information technology (IT). It helps to decide if a career in IT is right for them or to build up a more extensive understanding of IT. CompTIA IT Fundamentals likewise be a venturing stone to further developed certifications such as CompTIA A+, and, with particular experience, CompTIA Network+ and CompTIA Security+. This course prepares you for Exam FCO-U61.
CompTIA ITF+ is the only pre-career certification that helps students or career changers determine if they have a competency for information technology and if it is the right career path for them. Not only that, but CompTIA ITF+ is the only single certification that covers all areas of IT foundations making it ideal for non-technical professionals.
The CompTIA IT Fundamentals exam focuses on the essential IT skills and knowledge needed to perform tasks commonly performed by advanced end-users and entry-level IT professionals alike, including:
This exam is intended for candidates who are advanced end users and/or are considering a career in IT. The exam is also a good fit for individuals interested in pursuing professional-level certifications, such as A+.
Module 1
Using Computers
Unit 1: Common
Unit 2: Using
Unit 3: Using an OS
Unit 4: Managing an OS
Unit 5: Troubleshooting and Support
Module 2
Using Apps and Databases
Unit 1: Using Data Types and Units
Unit 2: Using Apps
Unit 3: Programming and App Development
Unit 4: Using Databases
Module 3
Using Computer Hardware
Unit 1: System Components
Unit 2: Using Device Interfaces
Unit 3: Using Peripheral Devices
Unit 4: Using Storage Devices
Unit 5: Using File Systems
Module 4
Using Networks
Unit 1: Networking Concepts
Unit 2: Connecting to a Network
Unit 3: Secure Web Browsing
Unit 4: Using Shared Storage
Unit 5: Using Mobile Devices
Module 5
Security Concepts
Unit 1: Security Concerns
Unit 2: Using Best Practices
Unit 3: Using Access Controls
Unit 4: Behavioral Security Concepts
Real testimonials from our Students!
I wanted to take an opportunity to provide an update on my career since deciding to take classes with Global Information Technology. As you know, after nearly 15 years with a major player in the field of IT solutions, I was laid off from my job in December of 2008. After taking stock of what [...] Read more
Robert Franklin
I got an Associate degree In Electronics Engineering Technology in 1996. The results I got from getting that degree were good; however, I had been laid off several times within a time frame of 14 years. The last time I got laid off, I thought about my continued interest in computer technology and the lack [...] Read more
Mister Jackson
It gives me immense pleasure to recommend Global Technology Information (GIT) to any technical inclined person who is seeking to become a top-notch Information Technology Technician (ITT). GIT is a unique technology school that I had the pleasure of attending. It is true that it is dedicated to providing high quality and cost effective training [...] Read more
Eddie Henderson
I wish to express my thanks and gratitude for your expert teaching and support that have helped me transition into a career in information technology. When I began taking classes in August of 2009, I had been unemployed for over a year, and job prospects in the insurance industry were slim. Your staff took the [...] Read more
Marcus Thompson
My name is Lesley Goodwin and I work in financial services industry as a Marketing and Communication Manager. Over the past two years, I have exchanged emails with GIT while researching several training options. GIT continued to keep me informed of their class outline and when I learned they could coordinate a class around my [...] Read more
Lesley Goodwin