Git (code version control system) & Coding Tips

Pre-Requisites: Students should feel comfortable coding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Key Features

  • Online live classroom available
  • Quality learning materials
  • Small Class Sizes
  • State of the Art Facility
  • Free Retakes
  • Instructor Led Classroom training
  • Certified Industry Experienced Teachers
  • 100% Job Placement assistance

Git can seem mysterious at first, in part because many people use the command line to run Git. Instead of scary terminal commands, we’ll teach you how to use Git within Visual Studio Code (the popular free code editor). This makes using Git much easier and more user friendly.

We’ll demystify Git and explain the typical workflows you’ll encounter. We’ll cover the most commonly used Git features to get you up and running quickly. While in-depth explanations can be useful (and there is plenty of Git documentation freely available online), we focus on the essential features you most often use.

  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • JavaScript Front-End
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Flexbox, Grid & Bootstrap
  • Git (used to set up tracking) & Coding Tips
  • Responsive HTML Email

This certificate course is for anyone who wants to design and code websites/emails, as well as develop a website portfolio of their work. It’s a good fit for:

  • Those who want to start a career as a web designer/developer or do client/freelance work.
  • Art directors, marketing professionals, or anyone who wants to know how design and code work together to make websites and emails.
  • Aspiring front-end web developers who want to design as well as code.
  • Aspiring web designers who want to enhance their skills and develop a portfolio website.
  • Performance. Git performs very strongly and reliably when compared to other version control systems.
  • Security.
  • Git is designed specially to maintain the integrity of source code.
  • Flexibility.
  • Wide acceptance.
  • Quality open source project.

We’ll demystify Git and explain the typical workflows you’ll encounter. We’ll cover the most commonly used Git features to get you up and running quickly.

Section 1

  • Download and Install Git
  • Git Setup: Your Name & Email
  • Create a New Local Git Repository (Initialize Repository)
  • Stage & Commit files

Section 2

  • GitHub: Push to a Remote Repository
  • GitHub: Pull From a Remote Repository
  • GitHub: Clone (Download) a Remote Repository

Section 3

  • How to Handle Merge Conflicts
  • View a List of Commits & Undo Changes
  • Branches: Create, Switch, Push, Merge & Delete

Is there mandatory work outside of the classroom?

Students are encouraged to practice the skills learned in class and develop a portfolio of work.

Does this course require any prior knowledge or experience?

Students should feel comfortable coding HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Course Number : GITH-0-0100

Duration : 6 hours

1 Step 1

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