Windows Server 2008 is the next generation in operating system technology, which will enable organizations to build and deploy a robust and reliable enterprise infrastructure where administrators can manage and secure users, resources, and network applications. MCITP are qualified to effectively plan, implement, maintain and support information systems. MCITP candidates are capable of deploying, building, designing, optimizing, and operating technologies for a particular job role. They make the design and technology decisions necessary to ensure successful technology implementation projects.
Real testimonials from our Students!
Dear Global Information Technology: If it were not for you my future in Information Technology would be completely uncertain. My name is Meontre and before Global IT I was working low paying side computer repair jobs and retail computer/computer part sales. During that time in my life I learned some minor basic computer stuff but [...] Read more
Meontre Byrd
My name is Willie M. Williams, I became unemployed after nine years of service to one of the big three companies in April 2009. The majority of my department (ISS) was terminated indefinitely. I thought to myself, ok, I’ll just find another job in the IT field because I knew I had a Master’s degree [...] Read more
Willie M. Williams
September 28, 2021 The skills I obtained from the Project Management Professional and the Business Analyst class from GIT were phenomenal. After over a year off due to COVID pandemic, I was able to further my education with these two wonderful classes, which were cross functional for me as what I learned in the one [...] Read more
Annie M. Sadecki
It is with great enthusiasm that I write a recommendation for Global Information Technology for the MCTS 70-431- SQL Server 2005 course. In that time, I have had the opportunity to receive a thorough understanding of writing SQL statements, stored procedures, triggers, functions and views. Other topics that were very helpful were database design, replication, [...] Read more
Larry Broaddus
Manish – I am writing to say thank you. I thank God for Global Information Technology. I thank God for you, because you genuinely care about the direction of the student. I thank God for believing in me, for coaching me, and for helping me. I thank God for everyone at Global Information Technology for [...] Read more
Samar Gorial