This course will provide an introduction to spreadsheets and the practical uses and versatility of Microsoft® Office Excel® 2016. Students will learn time saving features and tips for using Excel effectively.
Microsoft Excel’s robust built in functionality will allow your organization to gain a level of insight into its raw data that would have been nearly impossible just a couple of decades ago. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction.
Of course, knowing exactly how to ask Excel the questions that you need answered, which questions you can even ask, and how to interpret the answers Excel gives is necessary before you can even begin to embark on the journey ahead. This course aims to provide you with the foundational Excel knowledge and skills necessary to begin that journey and takes you through the advanced levels of using this powerful tool to the highest levels of accounting expertise if desired.
Microsoft Excel 2016 – Part 3
Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
Using Lookup Functions and Formula Auditing
Sharing and Protecting Workbooks
Automating Workbook Functionality
Creating Sparklines and Mapping Data
Forecasting Data
Real testimonials from our Students!
I’d just like to thank you and Global Information Technology for getting my career back on the right track. I had been unemployed for nearly 2 years after being laid off from ACCESS and I have been trying to find the right job. Couple months after applying to the unemployment, Michigan Works office approved me [...] Read more
Racha Ramdan
I wanted to take an opportunity to provide an update on my career since deciding to take classes with Global Information Technology. As you know, after nearly 15 years with a major player in the field of IT solutions, I was laid off from my job in December of 2008. After taking stock of what [...] Read more
Robert Franklin
While serving in the military I often found myself interested in pursuing a career within IT. Shortly after exiting the military, I started my journey and landed a position as an apprentice with a global consulting firm. I was quickly able to recognize that I was going to need more knowledge than just a web [...] Read more
Brian Cancel
I am currently attending classes at Global Information Technology in the Enhanced Oracle Certified Professional DBA program funded by the State of Michigan “No Worker Left Behind” grant. I have attended the 10G Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA) classes in the October 2009- March 2010 period. This coursework is compatible with my data engineering background [...] Read more
Sid Stoffer
8/10/2017. My experience Global Information Technology was something I wouldn’t trade for the world. When I went there looking for A+ Training, I had been jobless for eight months. I was desperate to find something, anything that would change my life. Global Information Technology did just that. After completing the training program there, I actually [...] Read more
Wesley Cicotte