All professionals who interact with the Microsoft Windows environment and need basic to advanced knowledge in Microsoft Windows 7.
This hands-on instructor led course will teach you complete Microsoft Windows 7.
Unit 1: User accounts
Unit 2: Devices and printers
Unit 3: File management and protection
Unit 4: Programs and utilities
Unit 5: Networks and mobile computing
Unit 6: Security
Real testimonials from our Students!
I was hired into Global I.T. late May, coming from three separate jobs that I had been working simultaneously. Manish gave me the chance to start with Global IT to pursue Office Assistant and also suggested that I take the MS Office Suites class that they offered. I was constantly surrounded by people that encouraged [...] Read more
Mieh Khatib
I just wanted to express my feelings about Global Information Technology and their staff. First let me say I have never encountered an organization that cares about the students as much as GIT. After working many years for an automotive supplier in the auto industry I found myself unemployed, without a degree or any certifications [...] Read more
Aubrey Carvine
My name is Ruth Byrd. I would like to take this opportunity to convey the meaningful connections between my professional past and the skills that I acquired from the Global IT training experience. Too often we progress through the ‘ropes of life’ and do not invest the time to express our gratitude and authentic value [...] Read more
Ruth Byrd
8/10/2017. My experience Global Information Technology was something I wouldn’t trade for the world. When I went there looking for A+ Training, I had been jobless for eight months. I was desperate to find something, anything that would change my life. Global Information Technology did just that. After completing the training program there, I actually [...] Read more
Wesley Cicotte
I am writing this letter with the utmost sincerest appreciation, respect and regard for the staff and faculty at Global Information Technology. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for everything you have done for me. When I began at GIT, I was unsure about a few things: the means to reach my goal and [...] Read more
William Dicks