XHTML Authoring and Design Techniques

Pre-Requisites: Windows Basic/Basic Typing Skills/HTML 5


Key Features

  • Online live classroom available
  • Quality learning materials
  • Small Class Sizes
  • State of the Art Facility
  • Free Retakes
  • Instructor Led Classroom training
  • Certified Industry Experienced Teachers
  • 100% Job Placement assistance

Upon completion of this course you will know how to:

  • Identify the rules of XHTML authoring, and determine which DTD is best for a given project.
  • Identify the significance and advantages of structured, self-descriptive markups.
  • Determine the most appropriate location for a given style.
  • Embed an image, write effective alternative test, and use background images to create consistent and efficient design components.
  • Define row groups, columns, column groups, and control width and the horizontal and vertical alignment of data in table cells. You will also learn to create a scrollable table.


Students with knowledge of and experience with HTML and CSS will learn how to develop more standards-compliant web sites for greater efficiency, accessibility, and forward-compatibility.

XHTML overview

  • Introduction to XHTML
  • Converting HTML to XHTML

Structured and descriptive markup

  • Well-structured documents
  • Customized structures
  • Classes

Markup and style techniques

  • Techniques that promote efficiency
  • Box styles
  • Text styles and techniques

Images, links, and Flash

  • Image techniques
  • Link techniques
  • Flash in XHTML documents

Advanced tables

  • Data table design and structure
  • Scrollable tables

Course Number : HTML-2-0253

Duration : 8 hours

1 Step 1

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