This workshops concentrates on the fundamentals of JavaScript coding. You will learn how to write alerts and variables, the difference between Strings & Number variables and how to reuse code with functions.
Friday, 2PM to 3PM
December 11, 2020
Real testimonials from our Students!
Dear Global Information Technology: If it were not for you my future in Information Technology would be completely uncertain. My name is Meontre and before Global IT I was working low paying side computer repair jobs and retail computer/computer part sales. During that time in my life I learned some minor basic computer stuff but [...] Read more
Meontre Byrd
I would like to take this opportunity to show my heart-felt appreciation and my learning experience at Global Information Technology (Global IT). I had recently left the military and was floundering with no real valid prospects and not sure what my next steps would be. I met with a knowledgeable Global IT Career Advisor who [...] Read more
Timothy Taylor
I am writing this letter with the utmost sincerest appreciation, respect and regard for the staff and faculty at Global Information Technology. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for everything you have done for me. When I began at GIT, I was unsure about a few things: the means to reach my goal and [...] Read more
William Dicks
I’d just like to thank you and Global Information Technology for getting my career back on the right track. I had been unemployed for nearly 2 years after being laid off from ACCESS and I have been trying to find the right job. Couple months after applying to the unemployment, Michigan Works office approved me [...] Read more
Racha Ramdan
Manish – I am writing to say thank you. I thank God for Global Information Technology. I thank God for you, because you genuinely care about the direction of the student. I thank God for believing in me, for coaching me, and for helping me. I thank God for everyone at Global Information Technology for [...] Read more
Samar Gorial