Have questions? Our FAQ will help you with initial and frequently asked questions or you can always call us at 866-464-4846
Customer satisfaction is on the top of the list of our priorities, so we go to great lengths to provide every possible resource we can for our students to succeed in their goals. We understand that our success is 100% contingent upon the success of our students, so we are willing to go to great lengths to help you succeed with quality training at an affordable price.
Instructor-Led-Training. Global I.T. appreciates other methods of training such as online and CBT’s, however, there is nothing like getting the hands-on ILT experience. We are a people that have to have our questions answered as they arise, so we are better prepared to move on further into the subject we are studying. If our questions cannot be addressed in a manner that satisfies our thirst for knowledge, then we are likely to lose interest or subject to unnecessary frustration. Global I.T.’s instructors are all certified as well as industry-experienced within the technology they teach and are prepared to address the questions of all of our students. Our students are encouraged to ask questions to inspire group discussions and enhance the educational process.
Yes! We offer daytime, weeknights and weekend classes. We can also tailor a special course schedule to your needs.
No, currently Global Information Technology is looking into options that will allow our students to get college credits for the classes they attend. However we are not able to offer college credits at this point in time.
YOUR FUTURE AND SUCCESS DEPEND ON IT! This is an important step. We encourage you to weigh your decision carefully and invest the time to make a well-informed choice. A visit enables you to discuss a school’s training with a school representative and see the classrooms and equipment you will use in your training.
More and more employers are insisting that their candidates are more than capable in the technology/technologies that they are working in. One of the ways of determining whether or not a person is qualified in a particular area, vendors came up with an internationally recognized Certification process. According to a survey done by the International Data Corporation, Certification is a “Standard benchmark for assessing skills, lowers employer training costs, and reports that 78% of companies experienced more productivity from their certified employees and 92% realized financial benefits by having certificate holders on staff.” Therefore, Certification is a ticket to a better job and more financial security.
Global Information Technology expects that once a student begins a training course they will commit to a minimum of six hours per week. Most of our students study anywhere between six and 12 hours per week. This will depend on a student’s individual circumstances and how quickly they wish to complete the course.
Certification is quickly becoming the standard for all IT Professionals. The value of computer professional certifications appears to be on the rise. Judging by the rapid emergence of new programs, big business and professional organizations appear eager and able to fuel the market.
The US Department of Labor states 8 out of 10 of the fastest growing occupations are computer careers. It is a fact that companies across America are desperate for well-trained IT professionals. There is opportunity at all levels in the industry.
Information Technology is essential to the day-to-day operations and long-term growth of all businesses. Because of this, there is rising demand for a range of IT professionals—including Network Engineers, IT Help Desk, Computer Systems Analysts, Computer Support Specialists, Database Administrators, Software Engineer, Business Analysts, Project Managers, Web Designers and Software Testers.
Global Information Technology students have a number of funding options, including government funding, Veterans Administration programs and private bank loans.
Global Information Technology provides highly focused and relevant in-demand IT training and certification preparation for a variety of IT career paths—typically with a shorter time and smaller financial commitment than a two- or four-year degree.
Choosing a training provider can be tough choice. We all claim to offer the best value, in terms of price, passing rates, and guarantee. GIT offers the lowest price, one of the best training materials and talented instructors. This gives excellent opportunity for you to learn valuable industry ready skills and succeed in exams. Our long history in this area of technical training and our past student’s success guarantee our claims. As a Better Business Bureau Accredited business, we can honestly say what we offer is the truth and you can verify it.
Re-energizing your resume and continuing the learning cycle can help you turn those certifications into money. According to Alison Indrisano, “54% of certified IT professionals who participated in a study received a reward at work, which is a 20% increase from the previous year.” This includes salary increases at 18%, new responsibilities at 20%, and promotions at 9%.” Certification is an excellent framework and supporting structure in the lives of IT professionals-it provides the road map for career direction and the future of your professional journey. (June 2003 Alison Indrisano “Cashing In: Make Your Certification Pay Off).
The question of “How long will it take me?” gets asked a lot. The answer to this question is, “It is entirely up to you.”
Our goal is to help you to prepare for the certification exam. We will give you the information that you need to survive the exam, as well as the tools necessary to apply what you learn in a “real-world” environment.
Once you finish a course, it will be up to you when you go and take the certification exam. You can wait a few months while you study the material after each course, or you could wait until you finished the classes, and go take all of the exams in a 6 month period (for example).
Some students prefer to take their time, and other students want to get it over with as quickly as possible. The time it takes you to finish your certification process depends on how much time you want to devote to studying the exam objectives for each certification.
There are currently more than 700 technical certifications you can earn. Contact a Global IT career advisor at 1-866-GO-GIT-GO to discuss the areas you might be interested in and the relevant certifications. Global IT offers free career planning.
This depends on the type of job you would like to have and your experience. Every area of IT has relevant certifications. Please contact a Global IT career advisor at 1-866-GO-GIT-GO to go over different career paths, and to decide on an area that best suits you.
Excellent, and getting better every year. The US department of Labor states 8 out of 10 of the fastest growing occupations are computer related careers.
Absolutely not. In fact, there are generally no educational prerequisites. Even lack of a high school diploma won’t bar your entrance to a computer certification program. That’s always been one of the great things about computer work–there’s room for everyone who is capable and often even for those with marginal skills but burning passion for the field. Good educational credentials, however, will often smooth the way into the upper ranks of computer professionals and are listed as a requirement in many job postings. Larger companies, especially, seem to automatically expect candidates to hold a bachelor of computer science degree. Startups are often more flexible. Computer Certifications can sometimes be used in place of a degree.
Most of our students clear the certifications in the first attempt. If required we suggest free retake of module after analyzing the needs of the student.
Yes, Global I.T. will help your prepare a professional resume and schedule mock interviews with managers and technical experts within the industry. Please note, Global I.T. does not guarantee job placement, and will look to help those candidates who get certified first.
The enrollment process at Global Information Technology is very easy. First, meet with a representative at the first meeting, we will discuss your career goals and aspirations, you will learn more about our programs and take a tour of the facility. Next, finalize financing and registration process. We will assist you in determining your most suitable financing options and make sure that all your registration information is current and complete. To start your application, please fill out the the enrollment form, and one of our career counselors will contact you shortly thereafter.
The courses vary in length depending on the career-path you elect to take and the schedule you choose to pursue. In general, a student can expect to go through 1 to 9 months of training in order to attempt all the respective certification exams and get certified.
We understand that price is a very important factor in making your training decision. Rest assured that we work with all of our students to keep our costs down as much as possible and help our students identify financing options. Also, students should take the time to investigate exactly what is included with the price to make a valid comparison. Our prices may very well be the lowest, but you will get the highest return for your investment with Global Information Technology. However, we feel that our prices are very competitive and finding a better value will be next to impossible. Visit us and meet one of our career advisors, and you will definitely be satisfied with what we can help you accomplish within your budget.
Real testimonials from our Students!
In mid-2012, I was at a cross-road in my life after being informed that the position I held for over 11 years was being eliminated. I realized then that my skills needed to be updated to take me into a new line of work. That’s when I met one of your career advisors at Detroit [...] Read more
Deb Lasko
May 28,2020. My experience with Global Information Technology has proven to be exceedingly beneficial. Through the VA VET TEC program and my attendance at Global IT, I was able to complete the IT Professional 4 courses. Along with the valuable training and resources that GIT has provided, I not only have a better understanding of [...] Read more
Rachel Smith
At college graduation, I thought that a major part of my life was behind me. I would finally get the opportunity to live out life the way I was advised as a child: go to school, get a degree, get a safe and secure job. Unfortunately, I didn’t dare anticipate what was actually ahead of [...] Read more
Steve Johnson
As a United States Army veteran, I participated in four (4) combat tours and a tour of duty to South Korea. I am a three (3) time veteran of Iraq, serving in various capacities in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) I, III and Operation New Dawn (OND) which ended the war in Iraq in December 2011. [...] Read more
Christopher B. Amara, Jr.
US Army Veteran
I just want to say “Thank You” to Global Information Technology for getting me to where I am now. My place of work, Raytech, was permanently closed and all employees including myself were laid off in the beginning of 2005. I was introduced to Global Information Technology by the Southfield Unemployment office to take e-commerce [...] Read more
Ebenezer Aniapam