Job Placement Services

Global Information Technology assists students, alumni, and community residents achieving their educational, career/work and life goals. The services provided to those who have completed training successfully, to enhance the educational process and assist in overcoming employment obstacles and meeting critical requirements of the employment process. A Specialist is available to help you look sharp and get hired. Please contact Job Placement Services at 248-557-2480

“It’s All About You!” It’s about performance in past jobs, especially accomplishments in those jobs. The resume is a document (brief overview) highlighting and promoting a job seekers skills and abilities, and it is used to present a prospective employee in the best possible light for the purpose of getting to the interview. More and more employers required the resume for employment as well as the internship experience.

For more information on Resume Preparation, please contact Job Placement Services at

Many services are available to employers who wish to hire, post job openings and participate in recruiting activities. A free job posting service is available to employers for assistance in seeking qualified employees or interns.

A free job posting service is available to employers for assistance in seeking qualified employees or interns.

Our Workshops are designed to prepare you to handle various aspects and situations relative to your job search. Some of these topics include: The Power of Networking, Mock Interviews, and Creating the Perfect Resume.

For more information on Job Preparation Workshops, please contact Job Placement Services at

The need for advanced preparation is paramount when it comes to the job interview. Before you can actually proceed with the interview, you will need a number of organized facts and details at your fingertips.

Prospective employees should be able to determine specific needs of the employer:

  • Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm for the job.
  • Provide pertinent information to the employer.
  • Demonstrating skills and abilities.
  • Compete with other interviewees.
  • Show initiative and knowledge about the job.
  • Maintain the employer’s interest and attention through conversation.
  • Demonstrate seriousness about employment.
  • Understand job interviews are stressful situations.Employers want to know the job seekers motivation for employment, ability to do the job and the organizational fit. For more information on Interview Techniques, please contact Job Placement Services at

Networking can be used for many purposes – selecting a career, changing jobs, getting a promotion, relocating to a new city or starting a business. Those purposes are:

  • networking with employers to seek information regarding career choice and job availability;
  • networking with employers is the best way to make things happen for future employment;
  • networking with employers gives our office the opportunity to obtain job listings for the “Jobs Board” and the Virtual Career Fair; and
  • networking with our office helps students and alumni determine job opportunities, internships and referrals.For more information on Network Opportunities, please contact Job Placement Services at

A successful job search requires organization and effort. The traditional method of seeking employment is reading job ads, sending out résumés, and applying in person. However, planning and organization are critical to job search success. To increase the chances of finding employment requires a variety of methods which can save a great deal of time and effort. In the end, the valuable resources of good self-management and organizational skills yield many benefits such as:

  • A shorter period of time for new employment
  • An increase in the numbers of interviews or job offers
  • A reduction in the fear of unemployment; and
  • An increased potential for job satisfaction.

When searching for employment, keep in mind that employers want to know previous employment and job titles, but more importantly skills needed for employment in their organization. So, skills are the foundation of a successful and effective job search.
For more information on Job Search Strategies, please contact Job Placement Services at

Feel free to call us Toll Free: 866-GO-GIT-GO (866-464-4846).

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